Wes Craven

Wes Craven, director of A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, and so many other greats, passed away on my birthday, August 30. He was an Ohio boy,  born in Cleveland.

I got to meet Robert Englund, who played Nightmare’s Freddy Krueger, very briefly this year, in the green room of Motor City Comic Con.

Graphic Novel Lab

Good news! I’ve been given the opportunity to launch a graphic novel workshop, for aspiring or accomplished storytellers, at the Fairfield Community Arts Center in Fairfield, OH. I’m looking forward to seeing who comes through the door for this one. The idea is for people to bring in their work-in-progress, or ideas that haven’t launched yet, and we’ll bat them around a while and see if there’s some constructive input to be had. As such, the format will be very fluid, and shaped by who and what shows up. Should be fun!

Drop me a note if you’re considering joining, and are wondering if this is for you. Or contact the Fairfield Community Arts Center. There is NO ONLINE REGISTRATION. To join, contact the Community Arts Center at 513-867-5348.

Class times: Thursdays, Sept. 17- Oct. 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Fairfield Resident: $70, Nonresident: $75

‘Carol,’ and my Mad Foxtrot Skills

I’m an extra in the upcoming film, Carol, starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara. Here is the first trailer for the movie, which is scheduled to open 11/20/15. The back of my head can be seen in the quick glimpse of a foxtrot / party sequence, so I’m hopeful that I’ll get a little more screen time in the actual movie! Cate got the Best Actress award for her role here at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, so I’m happy to have done my part to have spurred her on to success!

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