I’ll be a guest at the next Jim & Dan Comic & Toy Show in Dayton, Ohio on Sunday, September 15! See you there!
Convention appearance queries – Info here!
Art commissions – contact me at craig@craigboldman.com .
Also see my caricatures page!
I’ll be a guest at the next Jim & Dan Comic & Toy Show in Dayton, Ohio on Sunday, September 15! See you there!
Convention appearance queries – Info here!
Art commissions – contact me at craig@craigboldman.com .
Also see my caricatures page!
I’ll be appearing at the FIRST Middletown Comic Expo in Middletown, Ohio on Saturday, September 14! See you there!
Convention appearance queries – Info here!
Art commissions – contact me at craig@craigboldman.com .
Also see my caricatures page!
A new Archie Comics character, DAISY THUNDER, makes her debut in April! Story by me, with art by Steven and Lily Butler. Details at the link! DAISY THUNDER!
Convention appearance queries – Info here!
Art commissions – contact me at craig@craigboldman.com .
Also see my caricatures page!
The folks at Comic Book Resources asked me and other Archie writers to name the favorite Christmas stories we’ve done! I could only narrow it down to two.
“‘Zat You, Santa Claus?” From Archie’s Pal Jughead Comics #89 (February, 1997) is memorable for me because it’s from my first issue as the regular Jughead writer, and the first issue of my long collaboration with artist Rex Lindsey. In it, the characters each envision what they imagine Santa Claus is really like. The issue is also notable for the introduction of my ongoing antagonist for Jughead, Trula Twyst.
Continue reading Favorite Archie Christmas Stories!
On my recent in-store event at Wonder Comics & More in Trenton, Ohio, shop owner Jeff Hensley gifted me with a recent Jughead digest that I hadn’t yet seen in print. It was part of the ‘Archie Milestones’ series, #18, March 2023, and this issue’s theme was “Jughead Guide to Life.”
It’s a good collection from various creators. Eight of my stories (one new; the rest, reprints from the past decades) are among them, all drawn by my regular Jughead collaborator, Rex Lindsey. A few of those stories have abiding personal meaning for me. so I thought I’d write some words about them.
I was recently reminded that October 14 was the birthday of the late Samm Schwartz, so let me jump ahead to the story in this digest that I wrote as a tribute to Samm.
Continue reading Jughead Guide To Life – Part 1!
I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be returning to Cincinnati Comic Expo for the first time since 2019, before the lockdown!
Here’s what the Expo says:
Local comic artist and writer Craig Boldman is attending the 2023 Cincinnati Comic Expo !
Continue reading Cincinnati Comic Expo 2023!
Listen to Craig’s interview at the Santa Rob Podcast!
I’ve spent plenty of time over the past couple of years drawing pictures of Santa for my Christmas Never Sleeps series, so of course I had to one day be interviewed by Santa Claus himself! I’m the guest on the latest installment of the Sleighing It With Santa Rob podcast!
Santa Rob Pugh asks me about the earliest days of my comic book career up until the present! I invite you to listen to this week’s installment and every week’s edition of Sleighing It With Santa Rob podcast!
Visit the WEBSITE SHOP for many of the comics mentioned in the podcast!
Cap’n Catnip can also be ordered directly from the printer (unsigned). This link will also show you the other great comics from HooHaa Comics (publisher of Cap’n Catnip)!
Rob was extremely generous with his chat time. Even so, in retrospect, a few omissions, corrections, and loose ends, etc. occur to me that beg to be addressed. Continue reading Craig Boldman on Santa Rob Podcast!
I just discovered my original script for a story called “The Old Ball Game.” It ran in Archie’s Pal Jughead Comics #87 (December, 1996). As it happens, this was actually one of my earliest Jughead stories. A few months later, my tenure as the regular Jughead writer would begin. (As of issue #89, I’d be teamed with new regular penciller Rex Lindsey for over 100 issues!)
I was especially glad to locate this particular script. I was able to see the pencils for the job before they were sent to the inker; a rare occasion for me. The great Stan Goldberg, who illustrated the story, had kindly gifted me with photocopies of his pencils.
I thought it might be interesting to show the progression of a story from script, to pencils, to the page, with inks by Mike Esposito, colors by Barry Grossman and letters by Bill Yoshida.
As you can see, I write (sketch) my Archie scripts in storyboard format as opposed to screenplay format. In my mind, this makes my intentions for each panel absolutely clear to the penciller, and reduces the risk for misinterpretation.
I never assume or expect that the penciller will follow my panel layouts, but they’re always welcome to.
Continue reading Jughead #87 Script to Page!
Just about a year ago, I got together with several of my Archie Comics cohorts for an ad hoc summit meeting (really just a lunch) at the High Street Cafe in Hamilton, Ohio. It was a great place to eat, surrounded as we were by kitsch and pop culture memorabilia.
Here are the Kennedy brothers, Pat and Tim; Jeff Schultz (all top-tier Archie Comics cartoonists), and yours truly Craig Boldman.
Sadly, the pandemic took its toll on the Cafe during the past year, and they no longer offer sit-down dining, but have placed their emphasis on take-out, and catering service. They’re also leaning into memorabilia sales.
Convention appearance queries – Info here!
Art commissions – contact me at craig@craigboldman.com .
Also see my caricatures page!
I wrote the lead story for Archie 80th Anniversary Jumbo Comics Digest #3! Look for it on sale in stores on June 23, 2021. My story, titled “Happy MANYversary,” focuses on Betty’s penchant for remembering and celebrating events. Not only big events, but also, small, insignificant ones! I believe Bill Golliher does the art. If so, it will be our first collaboration in quite a while. Previously, Bill drew a mini-series I wrote starring Dilton — It was a digital comic which I’ve never yet managed to see!
Look for my new story behind a nice cover featuring Archie in a retro style, by Bill Galvin.
The rest of the issue is filled with classic stories from Archie Comics’s eight-decades history. I don’t have a list of contents, but chances are good that you will find work by Bob Montana, Frank Doyle, George Gladir, Dan DeCarlo, Samm Schwartz, Bill Vigoda, Harry Lucey, Joe Edwards, Bob Bolling and many other favorites.
In keeping with the Archie Comics 80th anniversary theme, editors Mike Pellerito and Stephen Oswald invited me to write a story having to do with anniversaries in some fashion. For your interest, in an upcoming post I’ll show a few pages from my script and layouts for this story, along with some commentary.
Following that, I might even post an alternate script/story that I wrote for the issue. It’s a story I never submitted for reasons to be revealed!
Convention appearance queries – Info here!
Art commissions – contact me at craig@craigboldman.com .
Also see my caricatures page!